Again, I have fallen behind in my posting, I just did some massive uploads of images to the ART GALLERY, so go have a look for lots of new images 🙂
Here is an update of my doings since the last post…
I had forgotten to post about the Wild Rumpus group show at the Pop Gallery in Santa Fe, NM (Nov/Dec 2013) where my piece was displayed. The show’s theme was to create work inspired my Maurice Sendak and Where The Wild Things Are. My entry, entitled Wild Things Were was a custom vinyl Colorblok Mono.
I’ve been trying to do more traditional paint work in my pieces as of late, so I decided this would be a great opportunity to do a custom toy with almost no sculpted elements (I scratch built Max’s crown).

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were
I had this painting at the January 2014 Childish Playthings Custom Toy / Art Show at Menace Inc. Studios in Greensboro, NC.

alarment Keldor’s Curse painting
I also participated in the Second Hand Art Show, also at Menace Inc. Studios in March 2014, with these two paintings, which were thrift store finds that I then added to.

alarment Old Ones painting

Chez painting alarment
In June 2014, I was part of the Blood Type Positive+ group show at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery in Waldwick, NJ.

alarment resin blood droplet

alarment resin blood droplet
In July, I was part of the Mysterious Creatures Mega Android group show, also at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery.

dusk mega android alarment

dusk mega android alarment
Also in July, I was part of the Clutter Custom Show at the Clutter Gallery in Beacon, NY.

alarment clutter custom show flyer

Rebirth Trikky alarment Munny
In September 2014, I took part in the Vinyl Thoughts Art Show #5 Mad*L Makers at The Quixotic World, Dallas, TX with the following MADL.

alarment madl skull
I participated in the Hellraiser inspired Cenobots 2.1 custom blind boxed series, which were made available at the 2014 New York Comic Con.

alarment cenobots V2.1 kidrobot mascot NYCC
And in December 2014, I again had works on display at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery in Waldwick, NJ for their Holiday Gift Show.

Cold alarment dunny

Copper alarment dunny

Pair alarment painting
And here are some other pieces I created through the year.

Orb Dunny alarment

alarment android

alarment Skull Dunny
Thanks for looking, a post Albuquerque Comic Con update will be coming up next!