Albuquerque Comic Con 2015 and Online SALE!

Finally getting around to my post Albuquerque Comic Con 2015 update!

This was my first experience having a booth at any type of event like this, so I had no idea what to expect.  My friend Joe Baca and I decided to share a booth under the name Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem.

Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Amanda helped out every day, and dressed up two of the days!  It rubbed off on me and I decided to break out the Frank the Bunny costume my wife and I had made for Halloween several years back.

Silk Specter,  Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Silk Specter, Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Kalisi and Frank the Bunny Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Kalisi and Frank the Bunny, Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Overall, it was a great experience, sold several pieces, got lots of complements, it was a fun time all around.  Even the great Sergio Aragones of Groo fame stopped by and said beautiful work!

So now its time to try and unload some of the post Comic Con overstock.  I am offering a sale at my online store

Use the promo code abqcon to receive 10% off your order.  This promotion will be available till the end of March.

See below for some new works created that were available for the first time at the convention.  Some of which are still available in the store.

alarment Lobo Louie Silver

alarment Lobo Louie Silver

alarment Lobo Louie Cherry

alarment Lobo Louie Cherry

alarment Lobo Louie turquoise

alarment Lobo Louie turquoise

alarment misfortune cat

alarment misfortune cat

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny

alarment azteca dunny

alarment 3A Zomb threeA zombies

alarment 3A Zomb threeA zombies

Watch for appearances by Amanda and I in the Cosplay video below at below 2:04 and 4:48 🙂


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