BMG Fan Fest

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

After the latest Art Fight, the next day I then participated in the BMG Fan Fest.  Since the Albuquerque Comic Expo is no longer, a local artist/entrepreneur Josh Jones created his own convention for local artist and vendors to display their wares.  I had a booth for this event, selling drawings, paintings, prints, art toys, sculptures, and some of my old action figures and comic books.

alarment BMG Fan Fest Flyer

alarment BMG Fan Fest Flyer

My kids came by and picked up some nice swag from the show.

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

Amanda acted as my booth babe, dressing up as Princess Peach, and later wore the Frank the Bunny costume we both made for Halloween years back, and was able to make it to the finals of the cosplay contest.

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest Frank the Bunny

alarment BMG Fan Fest Frank the Bunny

I had a few new pieces on display at my booth, including my finally completed 12″ original sculpture.  It was commissioned by a collector who has several pieces from my Creatures and Companions series, and wanted something in the same style, but much larger.  He also wanted included a smaller rider who could fit in a pouch,  similar to a kangaroo.  I also had a couple Zombie Lobo Louies, a 3A Zomb, and some quick Mariachi Skull Dunnys.

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture dunny

alarment creature sculpture dunny

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment 3a zomb

alarment 3a zomb

Next up, I need to work on pieces for the upcoming Vinyl Thoughts 6 and NYCC Tequila custom group show, time to get back to work!

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