Archive for the ‘Works In Progress (WIP)’ Category

Creatures and Companions (WIP)

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Here are some work-in-progess (WIP) shots of an upcoming series of figures I have been working on for some time.  I have decided to call the series Creatures and Companions.  This series is made up of the following:

Eleven custom 3″ Dunnys – The Creatures

Seven custom Funkeys and Four custom original sculpts (underlying base of vinyl Android head or Munny accessory) – The Companions

One custom Mini Munny

One custom 2.5″ Mini Qee

Creatures Dunnys Munny Qee alarment (WIP)

The series will be offered in eleven individual pairings, one Dunny and one Companion.  Each set will be offered blind boxed, with two lucky people finding a “golden ticket” in their sets.  One ticket will be redeemable for the custom Qee while the other will be for the Mini Munny.

Companions funkeys androids vinyl alarment (WIP)

To follow the progress of this upcoming series, follow my instagram (@alarment), twitter (@alarment), and my Facebook pages: Allan and the alarment fan page.

What others are saying about the Creatures and Companions…


Cellar Door…

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Working on a new custom for a juried show taking place at Cellar Door Gifts & Gallery (  The theme is “Unhappy Holidays”.  I am working on turing a Mighty Mugg into an evil elf.  Here is a work in progress picture from the ol’ studio.

alarment WIP Elf Allan Armenta