Albuquerque Comic Con 2016

This past weekend was the 2016 Albuquerque Comic Con.  I shared a booth with my friend Joe under our art collective Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem.  It was fun weekend, saw lots of great cosplay and met lots of cool people.  For everyone who stopped by, be it to just admire our work, or even purchase, thank you.  We had a cool moment when Marky Ramone stopped by the booth and was complementary to my work and showed interest in buying the largest piece I had.  Marky told us of his robot and toy collection and how it would fit in.  The sale didn’t go down, but it was still cool to have him stop by to chat and show interest.

For those who might be interested in purchasing what was available at the booth, I am working on cataloging what is still available and will then update my web store (  I will offer a discount coupon code for all items once I’m done updating the store, so please check back.

In order to not miss out on the deal, you can subscribe to my website here and be notified via email when new posts are made.

You can also follow me on instagram at: and/or follow my Alarment Facebook here or my personal Facebook page here, where I will also share updates to the store and of any sales.

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016


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