Author Archive

New Mexico Comic Expo 2019!

Monday, August 19th, 2019
New Mexico Comic Expo 2019 alarment booth cthulhu
New Mexico Comic Expo 2019 alarment booth cthulhu

The New Mexico Comic Expo 2019 has come and gone. Thank you to anyone who purchased, or even just stopped by to say hi, it was a great weekend.  I sold many pieces and will be working on replenishing my stock (like the popular Cthulhus!) as well as creating many new works. If you would like to inquire about anything you saw at my booth, or have any special requests, please contact me at

The Con Aftermath

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

I wanted to say thanks to all who came by the Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem booth at this year’s Albuquerque Comic Com.  I’m still working on updating my web store with pieces that are left over, but in the meantime, if you would like to inquire about anything you saw at my booth, please contact me at

abqcc2017 toys alarment

Albuquerque Comic Con 2017!

Friday, January 13th, 2017

ABQCC Monsters Moustaches Mayhem 2017

The Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem booth is making its third appearance at the Albuquerque Comic Con!  It takes place at the Albuquerque Convention Center  this Friday, January 13th (Friday the 13th!) at 4pm and ends Sunday the 15th. We can be found at booth 569, please come by!

abqcc2017 toys alarment

Albuquerque Comic Con 2016

Monday, January 11th, 2016

This past weekend was the 2016 Albuquerque Comic Con.  I shared a booth with my friend Joe under our art collective Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem.  It was fun weekend, saw lots of great cosplay and met lots of cool people.  For everyone who stopped by, be it to just admire our work, or even purchase, thank you.  We had a cool moment when Marky Ramone stopped by the booth and was complementary to my work and showed interest in buying the largest piece I had.  Marky told us of his robot and toy collection and how it would fit in.  The sale didn’t go down, but it was still cool to have him stop by to chat and show interest.

For those who might be interested in purchasing what was available at the booth, I am working on cataloging what is still available and will then update my web store (  I will offer a discount coupon code for all items once I’m done updating the store, so please check back.

In order to not miss out on the deal, you can subscribe to my website here and be notified via email when new posts are made.

You can also follow me on instagram at: and/or follow my Alarment Facebook here or my personal Facebook page here, where I will also share updates to the store and of any sales.

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016

alarment abq comic con 2016


OH! A Seussian Tribute

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

I had uploaded the images, but had not posted about this show.  Back in March, I again participated in a group show at the POP Gallery in Santa Fe, NM.  The show’s name was OH! A Seussian Tribute, asking artists to submit work inspired by the great Dr. Seuss.  I submitted two paintings to the show, A Wonderful, Aweful Idea and Unless, my takes on the Grinch and the story of the Lorax.  For these paintings, I also made custom frames for each.  The Grinch painting sold on opening night, while the Lorax is still on display, as well is my Where the Wilds Things Are piece, so if you are every up in Santa Fe, please check them out.

A Wonderful Awful Idea Grinch Painting alarment

A Wonderful Awful Idea Grinch Painting alarment

A Wonderful Awful Idea Grinch Painting alarment

A Wonderful Awful Idea Grinch Painting alarment

Unless Lorax Painting alarment

Unless Lorax Painting alarment

Unless Lorax Painting alarment

Unless Lorax Painting alarment

BMG Fan Fest

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

After the latest Art Fight, the next day I then participated in the BMG Fan Fest.  Since the Albuquerque Comic Expo is no longer, a local artist/entrepreneur Josh Jones created his own convention for local artist and vendors to display their wares.  I had a booth for this event, selling drawings, paintings, prints, art toys, sculptures, and some of my old action figures and comic books.

alarment BMG Fan Fest Flyer

alarment BMG Fan Fest Flyer

My kids came by and picked up some nice swag from the show.

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

Amanda acted as my booth babe, dressing up as Princess Peach, and later wore the Frank the Bunny costume we both made for Halloween years back, and was able to make it to the finals of the cosplay contest.

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest booth

alarment BMG Fan Fest Frank the Bunny

alarment BMG Fan Fest Frank the Bunny

I had a few new pieces on display at my booth, including my finally completed 12″ original sculpture.  It was commissioned by a collector who has several pieces from my Creatures and Companions series, and wanted something in the same style, but much larger.  He also wanted included a smaller rider who could fit in a pouch,  similar to a kangaroo.  I also had a couple Zombie Lobo Louies, a 3A Zomb, and some quick Mariachi Skull Dunnys.

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture with dunny

alarment creature sculpture dunny

alarment creature sculpture dunny

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment Zombie Lobo Louie

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment mariachi skull dunny

alarment 3a zomb

alarment 3a zomb

Next up, I need to work on pieces for the upcoming Vinyl Thoughts 6 and NYCC Tequila custom group show, time to get back to work!

Art Fights!

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight 9 alarment painting

Time for an update!  This past weekend I participated in my third Art Fight, a monthly local art contest/showcase which pits local artist against each other, painting live with a 3 hour window, with the subject determined by the theme of that particular show.  The crowd votes by placing a ticket (which each person gets for each drink purchased) into the cup of whose work they like the best.  Art Fights take place at Tractor Brewing, the Wells Park location, with the event run by James Montoya.

My first Art Fight’s theme was Hip Hop and Hops.  Was a eye opening experience, with me realizing I needed to paint much faster and to have a not as complicated idea to increase my chances of finishing to my satisfaction.

Art Fight 7

Art Fight 7

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

The theme of second Art Fight I participated in was Lucky of the Draw, where each artist pulled a random theme out of a hat.  I luckily pulled He-Man, so of course I painted Skeletor and was able to get third place.

Art Fight 8

Art Fight 8

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

My third Art Fight’s theme was Fight Against Brest Cancer.  Half of the proceeds of each painting auctioned off at the end of the night went towards the Susan G Komen Foundation.  This night, I won first place!  I’m getting more comfortable painting in public and honing my style in painting faster.  Can’t wait for the next Art Fight.

Art Fight 9

Art Fight 9

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Allan Armenta Art Fight alarment painting

Albuquerque Comic Con 2015 and Online SALE!

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

Finally getting around to my post Albuquerque Comic Con 2015 update!

This was my first experience having a booth at any type of event like this, so I had no idea what to expect.  My friend Joe Baca and I decided to share a booth under the name Monsters, Moustaches, & Mayhem.

Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Amanda helped out every day, and dressed up two of the days!  It rubbed off on me and I decided to break out the Frank the Bunny costume my wife and I had made for Halloween several years back.

Silk Specter,  Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Silk Specter, Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Kalisi and Frank the Bunny Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Kalisi and Frank the Bunny, Monsters Moustaches & Mayhem booth ABQComicCon alarment

Overall, it was a great experience, sold several pieces, got lots of complements, it was a fun time all around.  Even the great Sergio Aragones of Groo fame stopped by and said beautiful work!

So now its time to try and unload some of the post Comic Con overstock.  I am offering a sale at my online store

Use the promo code abqcon to receive 10% off your order.  This promotion will be available till the end of March.

See below for some new works created that were available for the first time at the convention.  Some of which are still available in the store.

alarment Lobo Louie Silver

alarment Lobo Louie Silver

alarment Lobo Louie Cherry

alarment Lobo Louie Cherry

alarment Lobo Louie turquoise

alarment Lobo Louie turquoise

alarment misfortune cat

alarment misfortune cat

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny and jumping brain

alarment azteca dunny

alarment azteca dunny

alarment 3A Zomb threeA zombies

alarment 3A Zomb threeA zombies

Watch for appearances by Amanda and I in the Cosplay video below at below 2:04 and 4:48 🙂


Falling behind…

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Again, I have fallen behind in my posting, I just did some massive uploads of images to the ART GALLERY, so go have a look for lots of new images 🙂

Here is an update of my doings since the last post…

I had forgotten to post about the  Wild Rumpus group show at the Pop Gallery in Santa Fe, NM (Nov/Dec 2013) where my piece was displayed.  The show’s theme was to create work inspired my Maurice Sendak and Where The Wild Things Are.  My entry, entitled Wild Things Were was a custom vinyl Colorblok Mono.

I’ve been trying to do more traditional paint work in my pieces as of late, so I decided this would be a great opportunity to do a custom toy with almost no sculpted elements (I scratch built Max’s crown).

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

alarment Wild Things Were

I had this painting  at the  January 2014 Childish Playthings Custom Toy / Art Show at  Menace Inc. Studios in Greensboro, NC.

alarment  Keldor's Curse painting

alarment Keldor’s Curse painting

I also participated in the Second Hand Art Show, also at  Menace Inc. Studios in March 2014, with these two paintings, which were thrift store finds that I then added to.

alarment Old Ones painting

alarment Old Ones painting

Chez painting alarment

Chez painting alarment

In June 2014, I was part of the  Blood Type Positive+ group show at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery in Waldwick, NJ.

alarment resin blood droplet

alarment resin blood droplet

alarment resin blood droplet

alarment resin blood droplet

In July, I was part of the Mysterious Creatures  Mega Android group show, also at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery.

dusk mega android alarment

dusk mega android alarment

dusk mega android alarment

dusk mega android alarment

Also in July, I was part of the Clutter Custom Show at the Clutter Gallery in Beacon, NY.

alarment clutter custom show flyer

alarment clutter custom show flyer

Rebirth Trikky alarment Munny

Rebirth Trikky alarment Munny

In September 2014, I took part in the Vinyl Thoughts Art Show #5 Mad*L Makers at The Quixotic World, Dallas, TX with the following MADL.

alarment madl skull

alarment madl skull

I participated in the Hellraiser inspired Cenobots 2.1 custom blind boxed series, which were made available at the 2014 New York Comic Con.

alarment cenobots V2.1 kidrobot mascot NYCC

alarment cenobots V2.1 kidrobot mascot NYCC

And in December 2014, I again had works on display at the Suburban Vinyl Gallery in Waldwick, NJ for their  Holiday Gift Show.

Cold alarment dunny

Cold alarment dunny

Copper alarment dunny

Copper alarment dunny

Pair alarment painting

Pair alarment painting

And here are some other pieces I created through the year.

Orb Dunny alarment

Orb Dunny alarment

alarment android

alarment android

alarment Skull Dunny

alarment Skull Dunny

Thanks for looking, a post Albuquerque Comic Con update will be coming up next!

Birthday Sale and Unmasked!

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

I try to do this every year (if I remember, that is).  For the month of April, I am offering 15% off at my online store

Use the discount code bday15 at check out to get 15% off.

I also wanted to share my two latest customs, Beholder and Deathdealer.  They both use as a base 3A’s WWRp Bertie and will be part of the upcoming Vinyl Thoughts Unmasked Secret Identities and Hidden Desires group show, which takes place April 18-27 at the Bottleneck Gallery in Brooklyn, New York.  If you happen to be in the area, please check them out as well as works by many other great artists!

Beholder 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Beholder 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Beholder 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Beholder 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Deathdealer 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Deathdealer 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Deathdealer 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Deathdealer 3A WWRp Bertie alarment

Vinyl Thoughts Unmasked alarment

Vinyl Thoughts Unmasked alarment

Spankystokes’ writeup of my custom Berties.

Toysrevil’s writeup of my custom Berties.