so behind… (La Belleza, Outer Space Men, M’Ickey)

I really hate doing this, lumping together several different works into one post.  I keep finding that I forget to update here with each new project completed.  Bad updater…

If you want more real-time artwork updates, come be my friend or be a fan on Facebook:

Anyways.. it has been a busy 2012 so far for me art-wise.  Three shows in three months, and for each of these shows only  a couple weeks (or less) to prepare a piece for each.

I already posted about the first show, Kickflip (see here).  Originally, I was going to submit two pieces, but already found a buyer for one of the decks, so it didn’t make it to the show.

This skateboard deck is titled “La Belleza”.

alarment La Belleza

alarment La Belleza


alarment La Belleza

alarment La Belleza

I then found out about another show that was happening in February that I wanted to participate in.  The show is called Toypocalypse 2: Futuretro and was held at the TT Underground Showroom in NYC.

Found out about this show very late, and after getting my hands on some Outer Space Men, I had about a week to get them done.

For some images from the show, click here.

alarment outer space men group

alarment outer space men group

And again, found out about another showcaswe (Play Imaginative x Disney) very late in the game.  After seeing what my fellow customizes where doing with this blank Mickey, I knew I wanted to be part of this as well.

So I came up with M’Ickey

alarment m'ickey

alarment m’ickey

As always, to see more images, please visit my ART GALLERY and thanks for looking!

To see what others had to say about M’Ickey:

2 Responses to “so behind… (La Belleza, Outer Space Men, M’Ickey)”

  1. Excellent! Lots to show for 2012.

  2. […] have something on display at ToyTokyo’s TTUnderground this year (the other being my custom Outer Space Men). Zukie Vs. The World […]